Matt: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! At Oban we are working to make fair credit accessible to individuals and Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Nigeria. Limited financial literacy and credit history in microfinance markets results in insanely predatory lending rates: 15-35% per month for borrowers. By providing an online microfinance marketplace and financial empowerment tools, we provide proxy credit scores that help ensure that borrowers can secure the best rates on their loans, improve their financial knowledge, and have a long term plan for credit.
Fiza: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! Globally, 92% of medical data is recorded by pen and paper. These paper-based medical records are easily lost and never updated which leads to delayed diagnosis and irregular monitoring of a patient's health.
Benjamin: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! The young people who are in school today are growing up in a world that will be very different in ten or 15 years. This is because of the climate crisis that is fueling mass migration, the need to adapt our sources of food, how we move around, how we live near the shore and more, as well as the potential disruptive and creative possibilities of AI. No one can predict what the future will hold. But we can say with certainty the people will have to be adaptive, creative, take risks, and manage uncertainty. Play helps in all these regards, and school needs to be places that help prepare young people for these challenges.