Rebekah: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! Our vision is to create a future where everyone has health, wealth, and fulfillment in life, regardless of their background, and our mission is to fearlessly transform lives through inspiration and innovation. If you’re a girl or woman, or someone who identifies as non-binary, a person who menstruates or is assigned female at birth, despite making up over 50% of the population you are still underserved, underrepresented, and undersupported throughout your life. Traditional education is falling short when it comes to health, work, and money, societal barriers are systemically deep-rooted, and many public and private institutions and organizations aren’t taking action to make a positive change. And that's where This Independent Life comes in.
Tiffany: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! Cowrie is a wellness travel platform for individuals of color to discover retreats, community organizers, and like-minded groups. Unfortunately, people of color and intersectional identities (LGBTQIA, disability, etc.) have higher rates of mental wellness needs but have fewer options for inclusive wellness experiences. Cowrie's mission is to inspire people of color to disconnect from the daily grind, reconnect with the land, and give back to the earth that nurtures us.
Andrew: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! The Homeless Entrepreneur Foundation’s mission is to promote economic empowerment and poverty reduction via work and active citizenship thanks to both public and private civic partnerships, so people living in social exclusion can improve their quality of life. We empower motivated people with potential around the world experiencing homelessness by connecting them with a network, tools, and resources through our programs and projects.